Saturday 10 December 2011


DisplayPort is a agenda affectation interface accepted produced by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA). The blueprint defines a royalty-free agenda interconnect for audio and video. The interface is primarily acclimated to affix a video antecedent to a affectation accessory such as a computer adviser or television set.

The aboriginal adaptation 1.0 was accustomed by VESA on May 3, 2006.2 Two adapted revisions accept back been accustomed starting with 1.1a on April 2, 20073 followed by the accepted accepted 1.2 on December 22, 2009.4

DisplayPort is advised to alter Agenda Visual Interface (DVI) and Video Graphics Array (VGA), as able-bodied as alter centralized agenda LVDS links in computer adviser panels and TV panels. DisplayPort can additionally accommodate the aforementioned functionality as HDMI but is not accepted to displace HDMI in high-definition customer electronics devices.5

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